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TV Components.

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The entire project includes the supply of 9 complete stations for the vision inspection of TV components. The customer is one of the largest manufacturers in Poland. After ordering the first pilot station in 2016, testing it and optimising it, the customer decided to order a further 8 stations, thereby automating vision inspection on all 9 production lines at the plant in Poland. Thanks to the use of manual linear sliding, it is possible to adapt the station seamlessly to changing TV types - i.e. different barcode locations and different sizes, thicknesses of passing TVs. Inspection area:

  • Presence of mounting screws

  • Correct position of cable mounting tapes

  • Checking of free areas and VESA pins (no cables near them)

  • Correct fastening of connectors

  • Correct fastening of LVDS tapes

  • Correctness of cable routing 


The use of automated vision inspection stations eliminates errors arising from imperfect inspection by employees. It also prevents the costly process of disassembling TV sets in the event of a fault being detected on a single unit in a given production set - thanks to the fact that each receiver has a photo stored on the server, it is possible to check all the features of the assembly (even those not within the scope of automatic inspection by the station), previously forcing the manufacturer to re-inspect the entire series.

Find out more about the inspection of TV components.

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